Friday, August 31, 2007

Inconvenient truth

Global warming...
Trully our environment as time passes by turns to wreck. Smoke here and there. STRONG TYPHOONS AND CALAMITIES hitting every nation. If we will not start to protect our environment these threats may happen sooner than we expect it to happen. We never know if we will not start doing it. It is scary seeing these types of calamities hitting our country and others' country as well. Let's help one another in saving our environment. ^-^\/

4th meeting

The Golden Rule A02
-when you have given wrong answers to the questions during recitation;*I want them to help me figure out the right answer and I'll help them in return.- when you are expressing your opinion during class or group discussion;*I want them to listen to me as I've listened to them.- when you are giving suggestions during group work or presentation;*I want them to consider or listen to my suggestions...- when you commit mistake*Give me another chance- when you don't like doing what they ask you to do;*Respect my decision.- when they want to give you comments or suggestions*I'll listen to it.^-^
Considering the given ideas on how to treat others with respect what can you commit to yourself in terms of dealing with the MCL commmunity? A02
I commit myself to treat them nicely and kindly... I will be good to them so that they'll be good to me as well. I'll treat them depending on how they will treat me... I commit myself to be approachable, friendly, and nice.... ^-^\/

Fifth Meeting Reading Materials and Guide to Journal Entries

The Most Challenging Thing I have ever Accomplished”
Well, let me reminisce the past... Now I remeber... The most challenging thing I have ever accomplished as of now is when I graduated from highschool and got an award from A.Y. It is an award for disciplined students. I can say that this is my most challenging thing I have ever accomplished becausev I've undergone through alot of interviews and juries.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Tenth meeting:Dealing With Negative Peer Pressure

1. Cite one experience wherein you have experienced negative peer pressure.
-I've experience negative peer pressure so many times. One example is when I was in 2nd year. It was the end of the school year and my friends in the higher level have graduated that's why they held a small party in their home. I was invited to come so I did. It was evening then they decided to make the party alot more fun since they are already entering college. They decided to drink alcohol beverage. It was the gin pomelo. They have produced 1 liter of pitcher. They are drinking and I was just watching. They convinced me to join them. I joined because I thought they would get angry with me and they would think na wala nga akong pakisama kung di ko yun gagawin. So I joined them I got drunk that time and I was brought home very dizzy. I was lucky my mom was already asleep(it was late midnight when they brought me home.) so she didn't find out. After that experience I never ever tried drinking lcohol beverage again.
2. How did you react to it? Why?
-I joined because I thought they would get angry with me and they would think na wala nga akong pakisama kung di ko yun gagawin.
3. How did you feel about your reaction/decision?
-I felt bad because I know I was doing a wrong thing because I am still young that time and I drink alcohol.
4. What have you learned/realized from your experience?
-I've learned that if you know that what your doing is bad don't do it even if your friends are doing it. wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it. Right is right even if no one is doing it.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Eighth Meeting: Honesty

I chose the challenge of telling the truth and even if I'm not challenged I will always choose to do it. Telling the truth is gaining the trust of the people around you. When you are honest to them they will trust you with no hesitations. They will also respect you and even be your close friends. Honesty is a very important characteristic that a person must have, that's why I'm doing my very best to obtain such trait. Being honest is hard but it is a great feeling whenever you do it. It's like leaving your life freely, no things to hide and open to everything. It's good... ^-^\/

Seventh Meeting: Respect for Health and Environment

Reviewing my personal health assessment, I can say that I'm doing good and the4re is nothing wrong in me. I'm proud to say that I don't smoke and I would never ever smoke... My grandfather died because he is a heavy smoker and it damaged his lungs. Another thing is that I know it will not do any good to me. I am healthy because I observe a healthy diet and try to exercise my body through playing basketball every afternoon. I plan to continue these stuffs so that I will be physically and mentally fit.

6th meeting

I was not able to wach the movie that we are supposed to view because I don't know the schedule that is why I don't know how to answer the questions... argh... -.-#... But I'm hoping I could watch it so that I got something to say... another thing is that we don't have classes las friday that's why we're not able to have our 6th meeting... hahaha! ^-^\/

Monday, July 23, 2007

3rd week

Write a reflection about one of your significant classroom experiences during the past few days at MCL. This could be something positive or negative. Use the outline below:- the date/time of experience- details of the story/experience (people, location, event/situation, reactions of the people around.- your feelings and reactions during this experience- your learning/realization from the experience .

>Before our first class Friday, July 20, 2007, me and some of my classmates had a jamming outside the classroom. We chat and sang songs. That time I became more close to my block mates specially the boys... I was happy that time because I've known them better.

The Most Challenging Thing I have ever Accomplished”

Well, let me reminisce the past... Now I remeber... The most challenging thing I have ever accomplished as of now is when I graduated from highschool and got an award from A.Y. It is an award for disciplined students. I can say that this is my most challenging thing I have ever accomplished becausev I've undergone through alot of interviews and juries.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Considering the given ideas on how to treat others with respect what can you commit to yourself in terms of dealing with the MCL commmunity? A02

I commit myself to treat them nicely and kindly... I will be good to them so that they'll be good to me as well. I'll treat them depending on how they will treat me... I commit myself to be approachable, friendly, and nice.... ^-^\/

2. The Golden Rule A02

-when you have given wrong answers to the questions during recitation;
*I want them to help me figure out the right answer and I'll help them in return.
- when you are expressing your opinion during class or group discussion;
*I want them to listen to me as I've listened to them.
- when you are giving suggestions during group work or presentation;
*I want them to consider or listen to my suggestions...
- when you commit mistake
*Give me another chance
- when you don't like doing what they ask you to do;
*Respect my decision.
- when they want to give you comments or suggestions

*I'll listen to it.

1. Looking back at the list of your positive characteristics and qualities, what do you feel and realize about it? A02

I feel proud and at the same time desperate to improve more... I feel proud with my qualities of being Disciplined, Optimistic, Confident, Joyful, Friendly, Approachable, and being Servant Leader. Having these values I have become what I am today and I am proud of I have become. I'm desperate of having the value of Excellence because I know this is the value that I needed in order to be successful in life .^-^\/

Monday, July 2, 2007

Self Evaluation A02

My first week of stay at MCL is fine... Like the other transferies feel, trying to adjust in the new environment they've entered into. Very aggressive to find new friends they could talk to. The teachers whom I've encountered seemed very approachable and kind. All my professors are good to me as of now.... Hahaha! With regards to my schoolmates, I'm still trying to get used to those students whom I see smoking outside the campus. The first time I saw the I was shocked because I never thought that they've learned to smoke in that young age. My blockmates in the other hand are all good to me. We get close and bonded in a short period of time. They always make me smile and laugh. We help each other when there are problems. I just hope they'll still be my classmates next sem. In terms of adjustments, I really don't find it hard 'cause I've been expecting all these types of senario when I was still in High school, because my brother who already finished college have told me so many stories when he was still in college and what was his life then.

I would like my first year to be fun and at the same time learn new things that would enhance my knowledge. I would study hard in order to achieve these desires. ^-^\/

Friday, June 29, 2007

Girls... I have a little advice...

Pretty Girl....

Pretty girl, who is to blame
Frightened girl, they don’t know her name
Saddened girl, who cries at night
Distant girl, who’s out of sight
Psycho girl, with scars on her wrists
Fairytale girl, who don’t exist
Silent girl, without a name
Ignored girl, who’s filled with shame
Faking girl, with plastic smiles
Freakish girl, from a thousand miles
Emotionless girl, cant feel much pain
Darkened girl, who brings the rain
Crying girl, tears start to flood
Psychotic girl, who drains her blood
Hated girl, who no one loves
Such a weak girl, who’s no longer though
Angry girl, there is no cure
Happy girl, she is no more
Hidden girl, she covers her scars
Prisoned girl, lived behind her life’s bars
Crazy girl, who bleeds so much
Lonely girl, who’s out of touch
Stupid girl, who no one likes
Beaten girl, who always fights
Pretty girl, don’t give up now
Suicide girl, there’s someway, somehow
Scared girl, don’t be afraid
Distant girl, don’t go away
Morbid girl, don’t die tonight
Worried girl, it'll be alright
Stoner girl, tonight she'll smoke her sorrow
Alcoholic girl, she'll drink tomorrow
Furious girl, who has no more faith
Depressed girl, who cries and aches
Fallen girl, with broken wings
Disturbed girl, fell off the swing
Pretty girl, you are my friend
Aching girl, just try to mend
Ugly girl, not like before
Beautiful girl, she is no more
Pretty girl, who made her life end Pretty again...

(Life is beautiful live it to the fulest... ^-^\/) This poem is created by ashlee kilbourn isn't she great? hahaha!

Adjustment... A02

I admit it, entering college is like entering a new world dimension wherein you encounter different things that you haven't seen before. It is not the same times when you take things for granted, depend on your parents and teachers, and other stuffs that we usually do when we are still kids. This time it is different. As I start living in this reality I've realized that being a college student you should learn to stand for your own beliefs, to be independent and responsible for your own actions , and to be mature enough to know what are your responsibilities in life. In college you'll face different types of challenges that will really test your total well being. Now that I've entered this life at MCL my first few experiences made me realize all these stuffs and has challenged me to strive more harder in order to achieve my dreams and be successful someday.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

VE... A02

This helps me through having and knowing proper values that I can carry on in my school and as I grow old. Having the right and good moral values can help me survive my college life and even my professional, social and personal life as well. Intelligence without values is nothing.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

tiring week...

Today is sunday... he whole week has been very tiring but still fun... I've met my blockmates and met new friends in my new school. Trying to adopt in my new environment... Well that's life... ^-^\/ I just hope this year will be great...

Friday, June 22, 2007

my first time...

Well hi... it's my first time to do a blog... I've never done this and now I did... I need to... It's my journal for our V.E. class in our school... I have no choice... just kidding... It's fine with me cause I wanna know things bout this stuff... And so now I'm writing my first blog... till here... Ciao! ^-^\/